Hemingway (the Hound)
Redbone Coonhound Mix | 10 Months Old | Neutered MALe | 50 Lbs
QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Potty trained! ✔️ Walks well on leash! ✔️ Good in the car! ✔️ Could do well in an apartment! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! ✔️ Enjoys doggy daycare 🧸Loves to play 🥰Snuggle Pup
✅ Very laid back and sweet puppy!
Check out this video of Hemingway here!
Hemingway is a lover of all things. I've yet to see him shy away from a person, dog, or situation. When he is really happy, he likes to talk to you, and his voice sounds just like Chewbacca! When not napping, he is great at entertaining himself with his toys and bones, and sitting at the front window watching all the activities outside. While he is great at entertaining himself, he absolutely loves it when his human or canine friends want to play with him.
He does great in the car and is very friendly when meeting new people in a social setting. While we haven't been able to go for many walks with this frigid weather, he does not mind being outside in it. The minute he sees his harness and a leash come out, he is very excited to go for a walk and he would make a very good walking companion. Hemingway is a quick learner and we are working on a few skills this week like waiting at an open door before an "okay", not jumping when excited (for dinner or when released from the crate), and leave-it.
Hemingway is a beautiful boy looking for his forever home. Take a look at those eyes, and you will surely fall in love with this very happy boy.