
Australian Cattle Dog Mix | 3.5 months Old | MALe | 20 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: 🐕Dog friendly 🐱Cat friendly ✔️ Good with toddlers (under 5)! ✔️ Good with kids (5 and over)! ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner! 🧸Loves to play 🥰Snuggle Pup

Coffee is a wonderful pup. He fits in perfectly in our family of three young kids, two resident dogs, and two cats. He loves to wrestle, chase, and play tug-of-war with the other dogs. He is outgoing but not overly confident. He is very smart. He knows his name and comes in from the yard right away when called. He knows sit and takes treats nicely. He does not jump on the kids. He is not at all mouthy. He is kenneled overnight and when we aren't home and has never had an accident in his kennel. He has a gorgeous coat with attractive markings. He is an all-around perfect pup - healthy, super cute, smart, good with other pets and kids. He will be an excellent addition to any family.




Hemingway (the Hound)