
pitbull | 2 Years Old | MALe | 69 Lbs

QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with young kids (5-12)! ✔️ Good with older kids (over 12)! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ House trained! ✔️ Leash trained! 🥰Snuggle Pup ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!

Check out this video of Zade here!

This is a call for anyone who is a lover of a large headed snuggly pitbull. Zade is your guy. He is a solid, cartoonishly handsome meatloaf. Despite his size, he makes his best attempts to be gentle, especially when taking treats. Be mindful if you are on the couch with a cup of coffee, as he loves to launch himself right into your lap (I speak from experience). Zade loves everyone, and he loves with his whole body.

Although he gets very excited to go outside and go for walks, he would be content to follow you around all day and curl up on the couch. Zade sleeps through the night in a crate. After a minute or two of complaining, he settles right in. He loves to be with his people and will stay right on your heels in search of loving or possibly a snack! Zade has not met a pup or a person (old or young) that he doesn't like. He is exuberant in everything he does.

Consider making Zade your forever doggo!



