Mixed breed | Female | 4 years old | 51 Lbs
QUICK FACTS: ✔️ Good with other dogs! ✔️ Good with toddlers (under 5)! ✔️ Good with young kids (5-12)! ✔️ Good with older kids (over 12)! ✔️ House trained! ✔️ Crate trained! ✔️ Leash trained! 🧸Loves to play 🥰Snuggle Pup ✔️ Good for beginner dog owner!
Check out a video of Sunny here!
Sunny is a very sweet girl who, through no fault of her own, needs a new home to call her own. She is great with young kids (the foster family has kids aged 4 and 7) and she gets along nicely with the household dog as well. Sunny likes to snuggle at times but is also happy to lay next to her people and relax. She does a very cute little trick when you show her a treat and ask her to sit (see video). She is house trained and crate trained, although she may complain for a while before settling in. Sometimes she can get anxious and have accidents when alone so it is best to crate her if you plan to leave! She walks nicely on a leash, just needs some work with heeling. She will sometimes bark in her kennel or when looking at people walking by. Sunny sleeps through the night on a rug next to the bed with no issues and wakes up happy and ready to have breakfast and go outside. No food or resource guarding has been observed while with her current foster family. Please give this sweet girl a chance for a new and happy life full of love and care! She will return her love back in spades!
Sunny has been diagnosed with Lyme’s disease and is undergoing a 30 day treatment with doxycycline. She did not demonstrate any symptoms, it showed up in a routine blood test.